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kusk generate

The generate command accepts your OpenAPI or Overlays definition as input, either as a local file or a URL pointing to your file and generates a Kusk Gateway compatible API resource that you can apply directly into your cluster. Use this command to automate API deployment workflows from an existing OpenAPI definition.

Configuration of the API resource is done via the x-kusk extension.

If the OpenAPI definition doesn't have a top-level x-kusk property set, it will add them for you and set the upstream service, namespace and port to the flag values passed, respectively, and set the rest of the settings to defaults. This is enough to get you started.

If the x-kusk extension is already present, it will override the upstream service, namespace and port to the flag values passed, respectively, and leave the rest of the settings as they are.

You must specify the name of the EnvoyFleet you wish to use to expose your API. Kusk Gateway could be managing more than one. In the future, we will add a default EnvoyFleet which Kusk Gateway will use when none is specified. i.e., kusk-gateway-envoy-fleet.

If you do not specify the EnvoyFleet namespace, it will default to kusk-system.


No name specified:

kusk api generate \
-i spec.yaml \ kusk-gateway-envoy-fleet \
--envoyfleet.namespace kusk-system

In the above example, Kusk will use the OpenAPI definition info.title property to generate a manifest name and leave the existing x-kusk extension settings.

No api namespace specified:

kusk api generate \
-i spec.yaml \
--name httpbin-api \
--upstream.service httpbin \
--upstream.port 8080 \ kusk-gateway-envoy-fleet

In the above example, as --namespace isn't defined, the default namespace will be used.

Namespace specified:

kusk api generate \
-i spec.yaml \
--name httpbin-api \
--upstream.service httpbin \
--upstream.namespace my-namespace \
--upstream.port 8080 \ kusk-gateway-envoy-fleet

OpenAPI definition from URL:

kusk api generate \
-i$ORG_OR_USER/$REPO/myspec.yaml \
--name httpbin-api \
--upstream.service httpbin \
--upstream.namespace my-namespace \
--upstream.port 8080 \ kusk-gateway-envoy-fleet

This will fetch the OpenAPI document from the provided URL and generate a Kusk Gateway API resource.


Take a look at the http-bin example spec.

kusk api generate -i --name httpbin-api --upstream.service httpbin --upstream.port 8080 kusk-gateway-envoy-fleet

The output should contain the following x-kusk extension at the top level:

cors: {}
pattern: ""
substitution: ""
name: httpbin
namespace: default
port: 8080


--nameThe name to give the API resource e.g. --name my-api. Otherwise, taken from OpenAPI info title field.
--namespace / -nThe namespace of the API resource e.g. --namespace my-namespace, -n my-namespace (default: default).
--in / -iThe file path or URL to OpenAPI definition to generate mappings from. e.g. --in apispec.yaml.
--upstream.serviceThe name of upstream Kubernetes service.
--upstream.namespaceThe namespace of upstream service (default: default).
--upstream.portThe port that upstream service is exposed on (default: 80).
--overlayThe file path or URL to OpenAPI definition to generate mappings from. e.g. --overlay overlay.yaml
--envoyfleet.nameThe name of envoyfleet to use for this API.
envoyfleet.namespaceThe namespace of envoyfleet to use for this API. Default: kusk-system.